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Research Article

Vol. 5 No. 2 (1999)

Association of Occupation and Breast Cancer Mortality in the State of Vermont, 1989-1993

  • Dominic F Geffken
  • Melissa J Perry
  • Peter Callas
November 12, 2020


Vermont’s breast cancer death rate is among the highest in the U.S. This study analyzed the association between breast cancer mortality and occupation in Vermont women. Given that Vermont is a rural state, one initial hypothesis was that occupational exposure to pesticides might partly explain the high death rate. Death certificate data from 1989-1993 were analyzed to determine relative risk of breast cancer death according to occupation. Case-control analysis demonstrated increased relative risk of breast cancer death for women in two broad occupational groups: 1) Executive, Administrator and Managers and 2) Professionals. Decreased relative risk of breast cancer death was seen for the occupational group of Homemaker. Data indicated that women in the occupational group of Farming, Forestry, and Fishing were not at increased risk of dying from breast cancer. The associations of occupation and breast cancer mortality in Vermont women do not differ significantly from those seen in larger U.S. studies.


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