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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2005)

Abortion in Medical School Curricula

  • Atsuko Koyama, MD, MPH
  • Robin Williams, MD
November 8, 2020


Studies show that in a group of five women- your mother, sister, aunt, daughter, girlfriend- two of them will have an abortion by age forty-four (1). Although this statistic varies by several factors including race and marital status, abortion is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States and Canada (1, 2). Abortion is a safe, legal and common procedure, yet it is not routinely taught in medical schools (3, 4). In fact, there are no requirements that abortion be included in medical school curricula (5). Because it is so common, it is important for medical students to learn about abortion- the technical aspects of the different types of procedures, as well as the social, global and public health issues involved in abortion provision. Regardless of an individual physician's personal beliefs about abortion, every physician has a responsibility to help patients achieve optimal mental and physical health, to inform patients of their reproductive health options, and to serve as patient advocates. Only through comprehensive education and training will future physicians be able to meet the reproductive health needs of women.


  1. Henshaw S. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Family Planning Perspectives 30(1): 24-29+46; 1998.
  2. Stewart F, Darney P. Abortion: Teaching why as well as how. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35(1): 37-39; 2003.
  3. Espey E, Ogburn T, Chavez A, Qualls C, Leyba M. Abortion education in medical schools: A national survey. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 192: 640-643; 2005.
  4. Medical Students for Choice. Curriculum Mapping Project at the Leadership Training Program. Chicago, IL: MSFC, 2003.
  5. Liaison Committee on Medical Education. LCME Accreditation Standards. Accessed on January
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  8. Sharing responsibility: Women, society and abortion worldwide. Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1999
  9. Henshaw S. Factors hindering access to abortion services. Family Planning Perspectives 27(2): 54-59+87; 1995.
  10. Statistics Canada and Canadian Institute for Health Information, Statistics Canada. Accessed on January 7, 2004. Last updated on March 23, 2003.
  11. Safe abortion: Technical and policy guidance for health systems. World Health Organization, 2003.
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  15. Roe v. Wade. (1973). 410 U.S. 113
  16. Morgentaler v. The Queen. (1988). S.C.J. No 1
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  18. Protecting abortion rights in Canada. Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, 2003.
  19. Finer L, Henshaw S. Abortion incidence and services in the United States in 2000. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35(1): 6-15; 2003.
  20. 2001 year-end analysis of trends of violence and disruption against reproductive health care clinics. National Abortion Federation, 2001.
  21. Dobie S, et al. Reproductive health services in rural Washington State: Scope of practice and provision of medical abortions, 1996-1997. American Journal of Public Health 90(4): 624-626; 2000.
  22. Epstein D. Will violence end patients' access to abortion? Medical Economics 76(9): 51-54, 57-58, 61-63; 1999.
  23. Fried M. Abortion in the US: barriers to access. Reproductive Health Matters 5(9): 37-45; 1997.
  24. Meyers C, Woods R. An obligation to provide abortion services: What happens when physicians refuse? Journal of Medical Ethics 22(2): 115-120; 1996.
  25. Rosenblatt R, Mattis R, Hart L. Abortions in rural Idaho: physicians' attitudes and practices. American Journal of Public Health 85(10): 1423; 1995.
  26. Steinauer JE, DePineres T, Robert AM, Westfall J, Darney P. Training family practice residents in abortion and other reproductive health care: a nationwide survey. Family Planning Perspectives 29(5): 222-7; 1997.
  27. Weisman CS, Nathanson CA, Teitelbaum MA, Chase GA, King TM. Abortion attitudes and performance among male and female obstetrician-gynecologists. Family Planning Perspectives 18(2): 67-73; 1986.
  28. Lieberman D, Lalwani A. Physician-only and physician assistant statutes: A case of perceived but unfounded conflict. Journal of American Medical Women's Association 49(9): 146-149; 1994.
  29. Who decides? A state-by-state review of abortion and reproductive rights. National Abortion Rights Action League, 2002.
  30. Aiyer AN, Ruiz G, Steinman A, Ho GY. Influence of physician attitudes on willingness to perform abortion. Obstetrics & Gynecology 93(4): 576-80; 1999.
  31. Westhoff C. Abortion training in residency programs. Journal of American Medical Women's Association 49(5): 150-154; 1994.
  32. The facts about Catholic health care. Catholics for a Free Choice, 2002.
  33. Bellandi D. Access declines; reproductive services fall with hospital consolidation. Modern Healthcare 28(16): 26; 1998.
  34. Gallagher J. Religious freedom, reproductive healthcare, and hospital mergers. Journal of American Medical Women's Association 52(2): 65-68; 1997.
  35. Henshaw S. Abortion incidence and services in the United States, 1995-1996. Family Planning Perspectives 30(6): 263-270,287; 1998.
  36. Grimes DA. Clinicians who provide abortions: The thinning ranks. Obstetrics & Gynecology 80(4): 719-723; 1992.
  37. Merali I. Improving reproductive and sexual health: Integrating women's empowerment and reproductive rights. Ottawa, ON: The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, 2001.
  38. Report of the International conference on Population and Development. Cairo, Egypt: United Nations, 1995.
  39. Key actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development. New York, NY: United Nations, 1999.
  40. American Medical Women's Association. Resolution: Abortion. Accessed on January 10, 2004.
  41. Baker A. Abortion and Options Counseling: A Comprehensive Reference. Grainte City, IL: The Hope Clinic for Women, Ltd. 1995.
  42. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Pregnancy choices: Raising the baby, adoption and abortion. Washington, DC: ACOG, 1993.
  43. Contraceptive Technology Expert. Family Health International: (919) 544-7040.
  44. American Medical Women's Association. AMWA: Reproductive Health Initiative. Accessed on January 11, 2004.


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