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Research Article

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2007)

Reperfusion times for ST elevation myocardial infarction: a prospective audit

  • Kendeep S Kaila
  • Kapil M Bhagirath
  • Malek Kass
  • Lorraine Avery
  • Lillian Hall
  • Alex H Chochinov
  • James W Tam
November 1, 2020


Background: New published guidelines recommend treatment of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) within 30 minutes of first medical contact to thrombolysis and 90 minutes to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Objectives: To determine how a tertiary care center compares to these new guidelines and to evaluate the success of measures directed to shorten delays. Methods: This was a prospectively designed audit loop using retrospective chart review. Specific time intervals were evaluated: 1) T2 (ER presentation to diagnostic EKG; 2) T ER (ER presentation to reperfusion); and 3) T AHA (first medical contact to reperfusion). Results of the initial 12-month data were conveyed to Emergency Room staff and a dedicated EKG machine was placed in the ER for the subsequent 12 months, and the results were then re-analyzed. Results: In 2003-4, 58 patients with STEMI were identified, with 41 (70.7%) receiving reperfusion. Of those receiving thrombolysis, median T AHA was 54 [37-72] minutes, with 12.0% <30 minutes, while those receiving PCI, median T AHA was 58 [43-78] minutes, with 25.0% <90 minutes. In 2004-5, 52 patients had STEMI, with 40 (76.9%) receiving reperfusion. The percentage of patients meeting the guidelines was 14.3% for the thrombolysis group and 11.1% for the PCI group. Introduction of a dedicated EKG machine led to a strong trend towards improvement in median T2 (22 vs 10 minutes; P=0.07), but other treatment times remained unchanged. Conclusions: Treatment times are longer than recommended guidelines. More comprehensive strategies and improved coordination of medical services are required to shorten pre-contact and post-contact response times.


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