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Vol. 2 No. 1 (1996)

Psychiatry and the Law: A History of Our Duty to Protect

  • Mara Suzanne Goldstein
October 25, 2020




  1. Dershowitz AM. Dangerousness as a criterion for confinement. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law 11: 172-179; 1974.
  2. Aviram U. Screening services in civil commitment of the mentally ill. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law 21(2): 195-209; 1993.
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  8. Morganthau T, et al. Abandoned. Newsweek 14: January 6, 1986.
  9. Communication with Professor Ronald Sklar of the McGill University Faculty of Law.
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  11. Engelhart HT, Coverdale JH. Cases and social reality: making the decision to admit. Journal of Clinical Ethics 4(4): 354-356; 1993.
  12. Carstensen PC. The evolving duty of mental health professionals to third parties: a doctrinal and institutional examination. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 17(1): 1-42; 1994.
  13. Communication with Dr. Renée Fougère of the McGill University Department of Forensic Psychiatry.
  14. Brouillette M-J, Paris J. The dangerousness criterion for civil commitment: the problem and a possible solution. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 36: 285-289; 1991.
  15. Felthous AR. Duty to warn or protect: current status for psychiatrists. Psychiatric Annals 21(10): 591-597; 1991.
  16. Appelbaum, Paul S. The new preventive detention: psychiarty's problematic responsibility for the control of violence. The American Journal of Psychiatry 145(7): 779-785; 1988.


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