We are immensely proud to present this special issue of the McGill Journal of Medicine (MJM) focused on primary care in Quebec. In recent years the healthcare system in Quebec has gone through massive shifts, many of which have been focused on the role of family physicians and the organization of primary care within the province. These changes reflect a new understanding of the key importance of the previously ignored entry point into our advanced and increasingly complicated healthcare system.
In this issue we have sought to bring together diverse perspectives in the ongoing conversation regarding the future of primary care in Quebec. We are proud to present reviews, editorials, original research, artwork and reflections from authors including Dr. Howard Bergman, the Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at McGill, as well as medical and nursing students. A special thank you to Dr. Gillian Bartlett-Esquilant, the Research and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Family Medicine, and Dr. Charo Rodriguez, Director of the McGill Family Medicine Educational Research Group, for contributing an editorial highlighting the importance of primary care research. The above editorials are only a subset of the many other fascinating pieces we are proud to publish in this Issue.
This special issue would not have been possible without the incredible effort of the MJM 2016-2017 editorial team. Our editors, section editors, and web developers have worked incredibly hard to bring this project to fruition. As the MJM begins a third year after relaunching in 2015, we hope this Issue stands as a testament to its bright future. We hope you enjoy reading this issue, we have certainly enjoyed putting it together.