Approach to
Fall in an elderly patient

Melanie Leung1
Published online: 12 June 2021

1Department of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Corresponding Author: Melanie Leung, email
DOI: 10.26443/mjm.v19i1.313


25% of elderly adults fall every year. As most of disease entities seen in Geriatrics, falls are often multifactorial. A systematic approach is therefore key to identify causes and address them. This review summarizes the main causes of falls in the geriatric population, an approach for work-up, and key aspects for its management and prevention.

Tags: Geriatrics, Fall, Elderly


An 80-year-old man who did not seek medical attention for several years presents to the Emergency Department for recurrent falls at his house. His past medical history includes hypertension, dyslipidemia, ischemic stroke (2 years ago), COPD, diabetes, and BPH with a history of urinary retention 6 years ago. He had cataract surgery in his left eye 1 year ago. He weighs 80 kg and measures 1.65 m tall. His medications are: Physical examination shows BP 110/70 and HR 95 bpm when sitting and BP 89/62 with HR 108 bpm when standing. As he was standing up, the patient reported transient blurry vision and dizziness. The tongue is swollen and tender to palpation. A 2/6 systolic murmur is heard. Multiple ulcers are observed on both feet and decreased sensation is present. The patient has difficulty standing up from the chair and an unstable gait is noticed. Lab results are: What is the best next step in management?
  1. Measure serum vitamin B12 level
  2. Perform EKG
  3. Perform CT head without contrast
  4. Start IV fluids
  5. All of the above
  6. All of the above except c


Based on the clinical presentation, multiple diagnoses can be suspected. The patient has orthostatic hypotension since his systolic BP drops over 20 mm Hg and his heart rate increases over 20 beats per minute when standing from a seated position. It might be caused by polypharmacy including his antihypertensive medication and α-1 blocker, as well as by dehydration, which is reflected in the elevated CK, Cr and urea. Other medications, such as benzodiazepines, can also cause falls. Therefore, medication review and IV fluids can be helpful. A systolic murmur has been identified and warrants further investigation with ECG as the first step. The macrocytic anemia with signs of peripheral neuropathy suggests vitamin B12 deficiency, so serum levels should be measured. In this situation, a CT head is not absolutely indicated, given the absence of focal neurological deficit and normal level of consciousness.

Initial Approach

Falls, like any geriatric syndrome, is often multifactorial. It is often the result of several predisposing factors, which puts the patient at increased risk of falls, and of a precipitating factor, which is commonly an environmental hazard or an acute or worsening medical condition. (1-5) Therefore, evaluation of a patient with falls starts with a complete history and physical examination.

History of previous fall(s) and near-falling

For each fall, the following components should be covered: time (year, month), any medical visits or hospitalizations, activity of the patient at the time of fall, prodromal symptoms (e.g. light-headedness, difficulty breathing), location of the fall (indoors? outdoors? anything on the floor that precipitated the fall?), mechanism of fall (e.g. whole body on the ground? outstretched hands?), loss of consciousness, and change in medication. Loss of consciousness suggests orthostatic hypotension, cardiac and/or neurological disease, and potentially serious injuries from the fall. (1-4)

Environmental hazards

These hazards are defined as any item or situation in the environment that puts one at risk of falls. One can ask about rugs, slippery or uneven floors or bath tub, or difficult stairs. (1-5)

Activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs)

Asking about ADLs and iADLs are essential when assessing any elderly patient. They portrays the functionality of a patient and reflect his/her social environment. Limitations in ADLs and iADLs points to some impairment (e.g. cognitive, mobility) and helps to guide management, such as the involvement of other health professionals including an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, or social worker. ADLs include bathing, dressing, eating, urinary/fecal continence, and mobility. iADLs include cooking, shopping, managing medications, managing finances, housework, and transportation. (1-4)

Orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension should be evaluated for any patient presenting after a fall. It is a quick, easy, and readily available test that can be performed in virtually any setting. It constitutes an important and reversible cause for falls. To evaluate for orthostatic hypotension, the patient should be supine for 5 minutes before blood pressure and heart rate are measured. Then, the patient stands up and vital signs are measured once more within 2 minutes of standing. A patient meets criteria for orthostatic hypotension if the systolic blood pressure drops ≥20 mm Hg, the diastolic blood pressure decreases ≥10 mm Hg, or the heart rate rises ≥20 beats per minute. Once a diagnosis has been established, clinicians should look for its cause, which is commonly autonomic dysfunction, medications, or dehydration. Medications that frequently cause orthostatic hypotension include tricyclic antidepressants, anxiolytics, levodopa, diuretics. Autonomic dysfunction can be screened by asking for symptoms of dizziness, loss of consciousness, incontinence, constipation, and impotence. It can take place in the context of diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, stroke, multiple system atrophy, or Parkinson’s disease. (1-6)

Gait, balance, and lower extremity strength

Assessment for these components should start with a thorough history. The clinician should ask questions about difficulty with balance/walking, use of assisting devices, level of mobility (e.g. bed-bound? chair-bound? regular exercise?), and environmental hazards (e.g. carpets). Then, on physical exam, the following components are routinely assessed: a) observation of gait (asymmetry, wide base, slow, shuffling, posture, arm swinging), b) Romberg, c) Timed Up and Go, d) 30-second chair stand, e) 4-stage balance. (1-4)


Decreased visual acuity, defined as a visual acuity of 20/40 and less, impairs the sensory part of balance and can prevent one from adequately assessing the environment. Visual acuity can be assessed with a Snellen chart. Patients wearing glasses at the time of fall should keep them on during the assessment. Each eye should be evaluated separately. Visual fields should also be assessed. Interestingly, multifocal lenses, or lenses containing multiple prescriptions, are not recommended when walking outdoors and going up/down the stairs as they are found to increase the risk of falls. (1-5)


Impaired hearing capacity may suggest a deficit in the vestibular system. Hearing can be tested via the whisper test: the examiner stands at arm length behind the patient and while the opposite ear is occluded, the examiner orates some words or numbers that the patient has to repeat. If the test is abnormal, Rinne and Weber tests can be performed to distinguish sensorineural from conductive hearing loss. (1,3,4)

Feet and footwear

Foot deformities (e.g. callouses, arthritic deformities) and inappropriate footwear impair the contact between the feet and the floor. Poorly-fitted footwear, high heels, and unlaced shoes are associated with an increased risk of falls. Additionally, sensory function in the feet should be tested, as proprioception can be impaired in diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, and other diseases. (1-5)


Dementia can impair environmental awareness and/or create neurological deficits. Cognition can be assessed with Folstein’s Mini Mental State Examination. An abnormal score is ≤25. If a patient scores well but dementia is still suspected, a MOCA can be performed to test executive function. (1-5)

Medication review

Polypharmacy, defined as the daily intake of ≥5 medications, particularly affects elderly individuals. It is important to pay close attention to medications causing sedation, confusion, or orthostatic hypotension, and to medications that interact with alcohol and other medications. To help with medication selection, the American Geriatrics Society developed Beers Criteria. Medications strongly linked with falls include SNRIs, opioids, benzodiazepines, and “Z-drugs” (Eszopiclone, Zaleplon, Zolpidem). Over-the-counter drugs should also be considered (e.g. dimenhydrate, diphendramine).

Patient compliance should also be evaluated. Poor patient compliance can lead to exacerbation of medical illness and precipitate falls. Notably, elders are recommended to take vitamin D supplements, especially in Northern countries where exposure to sunlight is limited. Deficiencies in vitamin D cause neuromuscular dysfunction, decreased muscle strength, and increased risk of osteoporosis. (1-7)


There is no consensus on lab tests and imaging modalities that should be performed in the setting of falls. The following are investigations commonly ordered:

Beyond the Initial Approach

This section covers special considerations for the management of important causes of falls in the elderly population.

Figure 1 Different types of cranial hematomas on CT head.
  1. Epidural hematoma. (11)
  2. Subdural hematoma. (12)
  3. Intracranial hematoma. (13)
  4. Subarachnoid hematoma. (14)

Flowchart 1 Approach to fall in an elderly patient. Basic algorithm for the diagnosis of fall.
Adapted from: Summary of the updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society clinical practice guideline for prevention of falls in older persons. (4)


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